Tuesday, November 20, 2012

It's Time to Move On
After 7 months of playing around, 5,000+ visitors, great successes, heartbreaking failures and many lessons learned, I have decided to end this blog.
BUT, dry your eyes...I have decided to end this chapter and start a new one.
I'm excited to announce the launch of my own website:

My website has a little more focus with more direction and purpose behind it than my first internet-based endeavour.  It contains folders that include both a continuation of my blogging as well as a collection of my successful recipes.
The MANIC BLOG will read like this blog and will see the addition of a rating system to recipes that I have executed.  It will contain tips, anecdotes, outside stories and shared insights and will also chronicle the tweaks and cheats I employ along the way--all with with the same attitude, humor and snark as my blogspot pages.
The CrOOK BOOK is an aptly named collection of stolen recipes that have been tweaked to my liking and executed with successful results. These recipes are worthy of being shared with and followed by others.  This portion of the website will only house my own recipes that are derived from other sources and will not highlight any changes, tweaks or cheats as highlighted in the blog portion.  It will consist of my recipes that stand on their own.
Please always share your comments, suggestions, praise and criticism with me directly through the site.  And share it with people via Facebook,  Twitter and other social formats to help me expand my venture and as I grow my name, skill, and appreciation of tweaking in the kitchen.
Thanks for your help in my getting here.
   -Mark Patrick Spiecher (The Manic Cheater)

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