Sunday, July 22, 2012

Just the Tip:

The Best Way to Clean Up Broken Glass

SOMETIMES WE BREAK A GLASS, PICK IT UP AND END UP WITH GLASS IN OUR FOOT LIKE 3 DAYS LATER.  While we are all able to clean most of the pieces and sweep up the rest,  it is almost impossible to get it all up with our hands or dust pan and a broom there is always those crystal clear shards and dust behind that lingers for a while and often ends up in our feet.  If this has never happened to you, you are a LIAR.  Regardless, I learned the best way to get it all up while working at my Aunt Georgia's restaurant as a teen...

The best way to get that dust or those missed shards of glass is by using a piece of white bread.  It works like a sponge for solids.  It grabs all those missed remnants.  Try it (next time you break something glass or ceramic, it works.)

If you have similar tricks of the trade, shoot them to me.

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