Sunday, August 12, 2012

Brain Food:

Watermelon: the Perfect Food(?)

IN THE PAST IT WAS ALWAYS SAID THAT THE CHIQUITA BANANA WAS "QUITE POSSIBLY THE WORLD'S MOST PERFECT FOOD"--2012 BEGS TO DIFFER.  Studies have proven that Watermelon may have usurped the throne and wear the crown.

Watermelon is a member of the Cucurbitaceae Family* and, in addition to tasting great, is a fantastic source of nutrients and is concentrated in important, powerful antioxidants (not to mention-at 92% water-a power house source of hydration).  The summer treat is an excellent source of vitamin C and a very good source of vitamin A (notably through its concentration of beta-carotene).  The antioxidants found in Watermelon run through the body, neutralizing substances in us like free radicals that can cause damage to...well, your insides.  The good things fight against the bad things like cholesterol, risk of asthma attacks, inflammation that occurs due to osteoarthritis, arthritis and joint damage.

Eating this wonderfood (I made up that word I think) has been proven to reduce the risk of colon cancer, risk of heart disease and battle symptoms of asthma.  All that and it tastes good.


Cucurbitaceae Family: The family that consists of edible gourds (such as other foods including cantaloupe, squash and pumpkin) and other plants that grow on vines on the ground.

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