Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Just the Tip

Don't Be Wasteful/Waistful--Be Socially, Economically and Aesthetically Responsible

MAKE ENOUGH TO FILL YOUR PLATE, NOT YOUR FRIDGE Making too much food when you cook is bad for a number of reasons.  The first, and quite possibly the most important (at least it seems to be at our place), is that when you make too much food, it ends up being wasted.

Even when you (and by 'you', I am totally referring to me too) pull the "I'll eat it later" or "I'll bring it to work for lunch tomorrow" excuse, you know it's going to sit in the fridge, taking up room -paying no rent- only to end up in the garbage chute.  It is such a shame.  A) It's like throwing out money and B) That whole "starving kids in Africa" line is still true and these days you can just as easily refer to the starving kids down the street.  If you're above actually sharing your unwanted food with the struggling neighbors (here or in Africa), don't have enough of it to throw out.

Another reason it's so bad is that you (people, or possibly you) tend to over eat when there is more food on your plate than you need to leave you sated.  Hello Fat Americans!  We're like dogs sometimes.  We should eat 'till you're full not 'till it's gone.  That's where I get all play-on-words with the "waistful"...get it?

And sometimes it's not out of unhealthy appetites that keeps us eating 'till our plates are clear--it can be out of the desire not to be wasteful that we over stuff ourselves.  It's a vicious cycle.
Long and short of this tip: Only cook reasonable portions.  You won't feel like you overspent, overate and won't be sore on the eyes.

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